Interrogation - 180 degree rule

The goal was to develop a one minute skit that displays a shift in power dynamics whilst practicing the 180 degree rule. my group chose to do a police interrogation for this challenge.


we came up with a short script to work with in pre-production and while filming we worked collectively from there to make adjustments or add anything that we think would be effective in the final product.

Close up shot of cctv. 

IN: What I don’t understand is not one CCTV ever saw you at the bar. 

SP: I- I- I was there. You can ask Mikey. 

IN: Mikey’s dead.


SP: I didn’t do it.

Stands up. Starts pacing around the room. 

IN: It’s been 3 hours and you’ve given me 4 different alibi’s, each one of them being in 4 different places at the same time, how is this possible?

SP: I-I just can’t right now.

IN: Listen, I know you did it. I just want to know why. 

SP: I was at the bar. 

IN Sit’s back down 

IN: What I don’t want is for me to give you respect and for you to treat me like a dumbass. You can’t even sit up and look at me.

IN: We know you weren’t at the bar, you were somewhere else. I know that you went into the woods. 

SP: I was not in Morristown. I was at the bar I already told you. 

IN: ​Morristown? That’s where we found Mikey. Who else would know where we found him but the killer.

final product



talk through your initial response as a group - what ideas were discussed, what ideas were explored


analyse three key frames from your clip and explain why they’re signifiant


what feedback did you get back from the other groups - did they understand the meaning as intended?
